Do You Get Any Traffic from Facebook?

..having a “like button” not necessary mean you can get can get it right with Facebook advertising.

Facebook is the largest social network in the world, so almost any internet marketing strategy should incorporate it in some way. But you can’t necessarily accomplish this just by attaching a “like” button to your website and calling it good. Here’s how to build a following on Facebook and launch your popularity through the roof.

Set Up a Fan Page

If you didn’t know, you shouldn’t be doing business on a standard Facebook account. Instead, you need to set up a fan page. Most of the activity that takes place on Facebook is between friends who know each other. It is only on fan pages that people have topically oriented conversations with people other than their immediate social circle.

Unless you are an anomaly on the web, your blog’s audience consists of a wide variety of people from many different places. They are only all in the same place because they share a common interest. A fan page is where you build this kind of community, so set one up before you do anything else.

Give People a Reason to Come Back

Your fan page should offer something of value that keeps people interested. Before you even start reaching out, make sure that something of value is there. Why would anybody become a fan of something that offers nothing? It’s also important to realize that your fan page is not a place to advertise or sell anything. It exists to get people excited about you and your blog.

Post links to videos, forum posts, blog posts, and interesting content on the web other than your own. Start discussions. Ask questions. Run polls. Include apps. Your primary goal with each update should be to get people talking. This is true even if you are putting content up on a fan page that doesn’t have any followers yet. Starting a conversation is what it’s all about. The more people talk about you page, the more visible it will become to your Facebook followers and their friends.

It’s a good idea to ask a question every time you post something.

Spend Half Your Time Elsewhere

You should spend about half of your time on your own fan page, and half of your time on other fan pages. Don’t leave comments just asking people to visit your fan page. That’s spam, and people hate it. Just become a part of the community, share interesting facts, join the discussions, and become an important part of the conversation. Eventually people will start to recognize you and will want to find out more about you. This will bring them to your fan page.

That said, remember to be logged in as your fan page, not as yourself, while you are doing this. You aren’t trying to make personal friends, you’re trying to create an audience. While it’s true that the lines between these two things are blurring, it’s still an important distinction. When you post comments as your fan page, people can click on your name and it will take them to your page, not your profile.

Understand Edge Rank

Edge rank is the algorithm that is used to determine what shows up in a user’s stream when the visit Facebook. A high edge rank means that your latest posts show up closer to the top of their stream, and they’re more likely to see you.


The gist of the algorithm is that recent information, information from people you have interacted with the most, and information that has been liked and shared often is most likely to show up at the top of the stream. This is why it’s so important to provide content that people want to share, want to talk about, and want to talk about often.

If you can master these three skills, you will always be on the front of your audience’s pages, where they will be reminded of what you have to offer.

Ecommerce 101: How to Compete With Bedroom Sellers Successfully

Bedroom Sellers Invaded Your Business Model? Ways to go!

The land of ecommerce is open game. That means it is filled with many cowboy entrepreneurs, looking to gun their way to the top using all the methods they can. It goes without saying that some of these methods are more ethical than others, and that some of your competitors are more apt for success than others. Where do you stand, as a serious businessperson? Well, that depends on how you stand up against bedroom sellers.

Here is what you need to know about competing with bedroom sellers:

What are bedroom sellers?

The easy way to think of bedroom sellers is to picture people who operate (or who can operate, if need be) in the ecommerce world from their bedrooms, the implication being that they are not really running a business, per se, but rather are selling as a hobby.

Beach sellers with bedroom sellers same characteristics.

Bedroom sellers may just enjoy coming across great bulk deals and liquidating them, or they may be collectors looking to trade what they have for new, personal pieces. Whatever the case may be, bedroom sellers are commonplace in the world of ecommerce, and they can be your greatest competition.

Why are bedroom sellers such serious competition?

There are a number of reasons for why bedroom sellers are a force to be reckoned with. Simply put, they can often undercut your prices, sometimes dramatically, in order to make a sale. This is because they generally have little or no overhead to account for-no office expenses, employees, etc.

What’s more is that bedroom sellers, because they are not necessarily professional business people, often miscalculate the amount of money they need to make on what they are selling; it is not unusual for them to underestimate shipping and handling costs, accrual costs, living expenses (personal wages), and the like. This fact, combined with the naturally competitive nature of the ecommerce market, makes them quick to undercut your well planned and contemplated prices in order to nab the customer.

How to beat bedroom sellers.

If you’ve done your homework, then you should already know that you cannot beat bedroom sellers by way of price; there simply is not enough wiggle room in that department. However, what you have that bedroom sellers don’t is customer service, and a reputation that hinges on that customer service. Most bedroom sellers are fly by night-here one day and gone the next. You, on the other hand, have the chance to build ongoing relationships with customers that keep them coming back, and referring other people. That means you must get it right the first time, and keep doing it right: send packages right away, respond promptly to customer inquiries, be diplomatic about handling complaints, and be sure to follow-up, to ask how you might continue to improve your business.

Bedroom sellers are tough competition, but only in one arena. If you concentrate on your advantages and focus on providing the best customer service experience possible, then you will come out on top.

About the Author: 

Tiffaney Matheus is working on creating a new ecommerce site for a small retail business. You can click here to see showcases from bigcommerce, showing off some of the great shopping cart options available to any ecommerce store.

Google+ rises to become the second largest social network globally

Global Web Index collected a data on the GWI.8 fourth quarter 2012 shows the growth in usage of global network platforms, a shift from localized ones. Facebook, Google+, Twitter were favored.

Twitter emerged as the fastest growing network in 2013 measuring with the number of active users as in how engaged it was, and the rapidity in contributions within the past months. Twitter grew by 40% (288M) in 31 markets, measuring to engaging approximately 90% of global internet users, but the active usage in a month is around 21% consistently by the global internet users. YouTube got a favor of 21% monthly engagement, 25% of internet users gets busy on Google+ every month, and Facebook whoops a staggering data of 51% each month.

Google+ coming up



Google+ coming up

Taking a glance into previous data collations, from the population of internet users between 16 - 64 in the Q2 and Q4 2012, and comparing it to the present available data on country level, the figures has slightly went down proportionally, but remaining the same collations of the research by GWI.

Facebook has about 903M accounts in 31 markets within 16 - 65 years range, adding the totality of the other 10% global internet users that was un-surveyed, and the under 16s and over 65s, the estimate will fall within the 1 billion claimed by Facebook.

In 2012, Facebook went through a lot of fatigues, but still able to scale through growing to a figure of 693M users, about 33% of global usage.

As for Google+ previously tagged as a failure by majority of the media, experienced a surge in active usage by 27% for 343M users, this made it go to the second social media on rating. Being a Google product, YouTube took the third position, with an advantage of linking Google services via the Google+ social.

Other local social platforms are experiencing a decline at while the big guys grows, MeinVz, Copains d’Avant, Hyves are examples. The local Chinese services are not exception of this; Kaixin, Tecent Weibo, QZone and Sina Weibo are sloping down substantially, the case of Tecent Weibo is worst, going down up to 57%.

Pinterest, Diggs, LinkedIn, Tumblr, Reddit and others are not yet taking a good position, but are fast growing.
